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Summary | Gaelic Services | Order of Services | Background | Dual Services

The Order of Service follows the pattern which Gaels were - and still are - accustomed to in the North of Scotland.

For all the Praise items specified by the conducting clergyman, the congregation sits while the Psalm verses so announced are sung.

An officiating Precentor leads the Praise and, along with the worshippers, ornaments the tunes with a free liberation of Celtic grace-notes without the aid of any musical instruments. Apart from the first two lines of Praise, each line thereafter is treated to a suitably chanted recitative by the Precentor who then immediately leads the assembled company to resonate the notes of the tune and words in a blended haronic flow.

The Prayers, of approach and thanksgiving are delivered from the pulpitby the minister who invites the congregation to stand for both and also for the Benediction.

There are no congregational responses throughout the service. The Sermon finds its apogee in almost every Scottish Gaelic Presbyterian service and lasts for 20 to 25 minutes with an analytical exposition of a Biblical verse or verses.